Women's Ministry


he Women's ministry at Calvary Chapel Smoky Mountains is dedicated to encourage and equip women of all ages in their walk with the Lord through fellowship, prayer and Bible study. We aim to provide opportunities to develop deep friendships through prayer and support of one another as we walk through the changing seasons of our lives.

Tuesday evenings we study the Word of God in depth. Romans 12:2 is our heart's desire, that we be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We want our doctrine to be sound and our lives to be reverent, so that we can reflect the love of Jesus in our community.

Other ministry opportunities will be our annual Christmas Tea in December, and monthly fellowships during the summer break. We will be joining Calvary Knoxville for special events like their retreats in the spring. As a young church, we continue to grow and to add more ministry options.

For further information on women’s ministries at Calvary Chapel Smoky Mountains, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..